Writing Strong Supporting Details

There’s a reason the film industry acknowledges great supporting actresses and actors, and not just the stars of the show. Without the supporting cast, the film wouldn’t be possible. Instead, it would be flat, filled with plot holes, and missing dialogue that advances the script. A composition is a lot like a film: It has […]

Why You Should Do Pre-search

So your professor assigned you a research paper in their class and you’re unsure of where to start. We’ve all been there. You have a topic. You know little about it. You need information. Where do you even begin? That’s where the “pre-search” process comes in. What’s pre-search? “Pre-search” is the process of learning about […]

Say Goodbye to Writing Anxiety

The dreaded blank page. Every time you start to write, you fight this battle. You sit with fingers poised over the keyboard, a head full of ideas ready to pour out, but all you get are beads of sweat and an overwhelming desire to scroll through your Twitter feed just one last time. You have […]

Five Tips for Crafting a Powerful Personal Essay

It’s best to start extra early on each element of your college applications (not just the essay). According to College Board, “The summer before your senior year is the best time to start. Most students do the majority of their application work in the fall of their senior year.” So if you’re currently a junior, […]

Staying on Task and Addressing Your Essay Topic

Have you ever composed a beautifully written (brilliantly thought out) essay only to receive a disappointingly low score because you didn’t address the topic? No matter how great your essay is, you’ll never receive a high grade if you don’t address the topic and stick to it. On most standardized tests, for example, writing an […]

Wondrous Book Facts for World Book Day

Piled precariously on bedside tables, crammed in bulging backpacks, or downloaded as pixel-filled pages, books are everywhere. Books bring joy and information to many of us, but some 750 million adults around the world can’t read them according to figures from the United Nations. Millions more of every age have limited access to books and […]

How to Plan an Essay

Planning is one of the most important parts of the writing process, but it’s also one of the most overlooked. Some students think planning is a waste of time, while others aren’t exactly sure how to plan.   In this article, we’ll explain why planning actually saves you time, plus give you tips on how to […]

Enriching Your Writing with Strong Supporting Evidence

At this point in the school year, you’ve probably heard your English teacher or professor use the word “evidence” at least 100 times. Maybe you’ve seen it scrawled across your essays in red pen: “Where’s your evidence?” or, “This point needs stronger evidence.” Whether you’re writing an argumentative essay, a research paper, or a literary […]

Crash Course in Research Terms

A well-researched paper is one way to impress your teacher and hopefully earn a good grade So seeking out a variety of reliable sources is something worth investing your time in. However, when embarking on your research for a college paper or essay, you may come across some terms that are unfamiliar. We’ve put together […]

7 Essay Research Tips

Research paper is a term that often causes feelings of dread, anxiety, and sometimes confusion. One reason for this is that research papers aren’t taught or assigned as frequently as other types of academic writing, so it’s not unusual to be unsure about how to approach them. Next time your teacher or professor assigns a […]